How to Convert Djuice to Telenor Talkshawk

Convert Djuice to Telenor Talkshawk

How to Convert Djuice to Telenor Talkshawk

There are a total of 3 different ways to convert Djuice to Talkshawk and we will take you through each one of them.

Methods To Convert Djuice To Telenor Talkshawk

The three methods through which you can convert to Telenor Talkshawk are listed below:

  • Conversion through SMS
  • Conversion through Call
  • Conversion by visiting franchise or service center

Conversion through SMS

The first method to convert your Djuice to Talkshawk is through a converted code that you can send through an SMS. All you need to do is send an SMS “migrate” to 345 and your package will be converted.

Conversion through Call

The next method to convert from Djuice to Talkshawk is to dial 345661 or 345662 from your phone and you will move from Djuice to Talkshawk without any hassle.

Visit Franchise or Service Center

If you don’t want to convert through any of the above two mentioned ways than you can head over to the nearest Telenor Franchise or service center to get converted from Djuice to Telenor Talkshawk.

Charges for Migration

In order to migrate from Djuice to Telenor Talkshawk, you have to pay a small fee as well. The charges schedule of the migration is given below:

  • 2 exclusive of tax will be charged for migration through SMS

Rs. 0.25 exclusive of tax will be charged for migration through call

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