How to make money with Commission Junction

earn money with commission junction

What is Commission Junction affiliate marketing?

Commission Junction is the biggest marketplaces to start affiliate marketing. It was founded in Santa Barbara, California in 1998. It is one of the most trusted network platforms. Anytime you can join with this site and start your affiliates business became a publisher. It is a very popular marketplace where advertisers and publishers meet together in one place. Moreover, you can get an excellent opportunity to promote thousand of online brands and earn a commission. You can quickly sign up for a free account and start exploring the dashboard of the CJ affiliates program.

CJ Affiliate Requirements

If you want to make money through CJ, you need to be an affiliate publisher. This means you’re the person who owns a site where you advertise products and send traffic to offers. When the traffic converts, you get paid. However, CJ has a few requirements before you can join as a publisher.

  • You need to be committed. Affiliate marketing isn’t something you can really do on the side for monetization and expect to get any serious results. Most advertisers don’t want to make a deal with publishers who aren’t really in it.
  • You need an optimized website. The key to making money with affiliate marketing is traffic, and the key to traffic is SEO. Make sure your SEO is as immaculate as possible.
  • You need quality content. The key to SEO is content, these days, and users love content. The days of having a thin site with a few affiliate links are long over. Not only will you be penalized in the search rankings, but you’ll also be dropped by advertisers who don’t want their reputations blackened.
  • You need time. Affiliate marketing isn’t an hour-a-day industry; you typically pull long hours doing everything yourself until you’re making enough money to hire others to do some for you.
  • You need to generate results. CJ records your commissions and they maintain a record of your performance. If you produce no results for six months, they will close your account AND they will charge you $10 to do so. Signing up and doing nothing is detrimental to everyone involved, so they make it detrimental to you.

How can you start this affiliate marketing

If you want to promote other companies’ products, then you have to create a Publisher account. Besides that, if you are a seller and want people who promote your products, then you have to create Advertiser’s account. At first, choose whatever you want. Once you are signed up for the publisher’s account, you should need to complete your profile. Choose your language, country, and currency. Fill the correct details. Accept all terms and conditions. Enter your website details and choose your promotion methods. Now, enter your contact details and Accept Terms.

After the verification, you will get approval from the commission junction though email.

  1. Now login to your publisher account

cj login

2. It will redirect to your affiliate dashboard. Now form top menu click on “Advertisers” in order to promote the advertiser products and earn revenue.

cj advertisers

3.  Here you will see a huge list of advertisers. You can join as many as you can. Simply click on Join Program button. Some advertiser accept the request manually so you may need to wait for their response.

Cj join program

4. Once you request is approved. You can see that advertiser in “My Advertisers Status”. Simply click on hyperlink icon in order to get your affiliate link or banner code. You can select form variety of banners. Place them on your website or social media to start earning.




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