How to make money with fiverr affiliates

fiverr affiliates

The first way that people make money on Fiverr is to create Gigs and offer to do something in exchange for a base price. Like the examples above, people are making at least $5 per gig. Five dollars doesn’t sound like a ton of money, but if you create a gig that people are really wanting, you can really earn a lot. Each gig can be repeated over and over again and the money starts to add up.

$5 is an affordable price that people are extremely willing to pay, so if you get 100 customers in a month, you make $500. Some people are making thousands each month and able to make a living just by doing gigs on Fiverr.

Fiverr Affiliate Program

The other way to make money with Fiverr is through the affiliate program that they offer. Each time that someone signs up at Fiverr, you get paid. You basically get a flat rate CPA commission for every first-time buyer that you bring in. All you have to do is promote your affiliate link and anyone that comes to Fiverr via your link, will be counted as your referral.

You don’t have to create a gig and deliver a service. All you have to do is share your affiliate link. You can do this by sharing it on social media or an email list. Or you could create a website and share the link on it. This is a form of passive income and it can be very lucrative.

Sign Up To Fiverr’s Affiliate Program Here

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