How to make money with Shutterstock Contributor

how to Make Money with Shutterstock contributor


How to Make Money from Shutterstock Contributors

What is Shutterstock

Shutterstock is the largest images & video selling website in the world. They offer great images for everyone including web developers, programmers, photographers, media students, foodies & many more. is a global marketplace for buying and selling high quality photos and videos. Shutterstock was launched in 2003 and their Headquarters is located in New York. So it’s been more than 10 years since they have been in this business having customers all over the world. They are currently operating in more than 150 countries and provide digital imagery licenses. Their basic aim is to help digital contributors and buyers to connect with each other and make successful transactions. There are two types of accounts on Shutterstock, Customer and Contributor. Contributors share the digital media that they have created and Customers buy it.

Make money with Shutterstock Contributor account.

Shutterstock contributor offers a great opportunity for those who create digital content that includes unique photos, logo designs, banners and videos.

Register for shutterstock contributor account

Click here to register for contributor account.

  1. On the first page, enter your full name, display name, and email address. Your full name should match what is on your passport or other government-issued identification document. Your display name is what customers will see. Your e-mail address is where we will contact you.
  2. When you press “Next”, they will send you an email to verify that the email address you provided is valid.  Follow the instructions in the email.
  3. Enter your residential address and your mailing address, if it is different. Address information should be entered in English only (no accented letters or special characters like ó,ï,ę please).
  4. Now they will verify your identification so they can protect your intellectual property and to speed up the payment process. For more information about what we can accept as proof of identity please check out What types of personal identification can I send to verify my account?
  5. It will take 1 to 3 business days for us to review your identification documents. In the meantime, you can explore your account homepage, and start uploading images or videos!

Submit your first set of content

To become an active Shutterstock contributor, you will initially need to submit up to 10 of your best photos, jpeg or eps illustrations or up to 10 video clips for your first submission. We can accept any combination of image files (photos, rasters or vector files) or we can accept up to 10 video clips. We cannot accept a mix of images and video clips for the first submission.  The content you submit will be reviewed by our expert team of reviewers. When your first piece of content is approved, your account becomes fully active and you can submit any type of files without limitation. Please keep in mind that you may only upload work that is owned or fully controlled by you. Your content will not appear on the Shutterstock marketplace until your identification document has also been approved.

So if you’re good at Photography or Video editing and Publishing then this website can literally make you rich. They have clearly mentioned it on their website that you can immediately start getting thousands and millions of visitors and start earning money. All you need to do is create outstanding photos and images. Now there are three types of content that you can sell on Shutterstock:

Photo Selling: You can sell lots of photos on Shutterstock provided that they are in JPG format and are at least 4.0 mega pixels. So you will probably need a High resolution camera for that.

Vectors and Illustrations: You can also create Vectors and illustrations and sell them on this website. You can submit EPS format files with a maximum size of 15 mb or JPG images with at least 4.0 mega pixels.

Videos: You can also create videos and sell them on this portal. However, the video length should be from 5 to 60 seconds. No more no less.

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