The Best Way To Get Started With Google AdSense


I’m sure you know about Google AdSense and how it can turn a non-elearning website into a profit-puller for sure. This is actually true. If you can master the use of Google AdSense, you will have no problem earmarking money from your website. And getting started with it is a breeze.

The fastest way to start an AdSense-based business is by starting your own blog. You do not have to know anything about website design, copywriting, how to sell products, or anything like that. You can go to a website called and get started with putting AdSense ads on your blog. is free, and you should know that it’s very user friendly. There’s another popular blog service called “WordPress” that a lot of people use, but I tend to find that it is extremely technical in nature, and that you will probably have to hire a web designer to get your WordPress blog up and running.

So with that being said, I advise you to stick with Blogger. The best thing about this website is that you can easily put AdSense ads on your blog via a “plug and play” method. You do not have to learn any HTML skills, you do not have to put the code on the blog yourself, and you do not have to hire someone to set everything up for you. This is what I love about Blogger, and this is why I use Blogger to host my blog.

So once you’ve set up your Blogger blog, it’s time to insert the code on the blog. This is easy. Go to the “monetize” tab and enter your AdSense information there (if you have not already signed up with AdSense and have been approved, do it now). Once you’re on the monetize screen, select the ad format that you want to display on your blog. This is incredibly easy too.

The next thing you will want to do is start posting on your blog. Start your first post off as an introduction of who you are, and mention your email address just in case someone had a question about something. Next, you will want to make a relevant post that is related to the theme of your blog.

The more relevant your posts are, the more relevant your ads will be. And relevant ads in front of targeted viewers means a higher chance of them clicking on your AdSense ads. Strive to make your posts very helpful, and avoid those 3 paragraph posts. These are posts that are there just to make it seem like you have lots of activity on your blog – but honestly, they’re just a waste of time.

So stick with high quality blog posts. Aim for 400 to 500 word posts, and you will be good to go. Make sure you have your AdSense ads in the right place so that people can click on them and allow you to start profiting with AdSense right away. The more you post, the more traffic you will get, and the more money you will earn.

Earning money with Google AdSense is exciting only if you know what you’re doing. So do the things that will bring back traffic back to your blog, so that you can start making money with AdSense on a daily basis.

Good luck with making money with Google AdSense today.

by Randall A Magwood

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